Wednesday, December 23, 2009

All I Want For Christmas...

My poor baby Samantha isn't feeling very well today. She has thrown up twice and had a fever earlier this evening. Tylenol brought her fever down quickly which is good. I called the after hours advice nurse and now I have some peace of mind but I still hate having a sick baby. I've had to rock her to sleep twice now tonight and I keep hearing little mumbles from her room which means she is not sleeping very soundly. So all I want for Christmas is for us all to be healthy!

I felt so good about how much I had completed last week in preparation for Christmas. I had my mind set that this week was going to be so relaxing and fun and stress-free. Well so much for that idea! I still don't have the girls' handmade gifts completed - no where near completion to be more exact. I had my heart set on having their gifts done by Christmas Eve. I still haven't given up on the idea but it's not looking good right now. I didn't get all the baking done yesterday I had hoped. I just finished cookies for Ed to take to his employees tomorrow and I promised Gabrielle we would make chocolate chip cookies for Santa tomorrow. I also have Christmas Eve dinner to make tomorrow as well as prep the breakfast casserole we'll have Christmas morning. **Sigh**

I don't know how it will all get done, especially if Samantha is still feeling bad tomorrow. Earlier tonight I was getting stressed over everything still not marked off my mental to-do list. Did I mention Santa still has to wrap a couple of his gifts and put a couple of things together? Dear Lord, please let there be no missing or broken parts on anything!! Please!!

The reality is it all won't get done. I will just have to give on some things. As I was rocking Samantha earlier I felt God was trying to teach me a little lesson, to remind me what Christmas is really all about. Early in the season I was determined to keep Christmas meaningful, to not get caught up in the hustle and bustle and the materialistic side of Christmas. And here it is, not even two days before Christmas and I have filled my days with this to do and that to do and not once have I sat to really enjoy and think about CHRISTmas.

So I will probably stay up a whee bit longer and work on my sewing projects but if they don't get finished in time for Christmas morning then I can give them to the girls some time next week as a simple "I love you" present. And I will save some of the sweets and goodies I had hoped to bake for Christmas for another time. There will probably be other little things here and there tomorrow that simply don't get done or even thought about. But that's okay. I'm okay with that. I just want my girls to feel well and be happy and enjoy Christmas. I am sure my husband and my girls want a happy, fun mommy and not a tired, stressed out party pooper. And I am certain God wants me to take this time to give thanks and praise for His son, Jesus Christ, who is the most important part of Christmas.

1 comment:

Danielle Bridgers Banks said...

Merry Christmas Tiffany!!! I hope your girls are feeling better and I hope you and your family have a glorious Christmas!!