Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Goodbye '13...Welcome 2014!!!

Happy New Year everyone!!

I could go into all the things I want to do differently this year, list all the resolutions I could come up with, but I won't bore you or myself with the same typical list of things I want to do better this year. After all the list never really changes much.

Instead I had planned to write about my "one word" for this year, but it seems the word I chose for this year is a very popular word for 2014 and you probably have heard or read or seen where others are going to be more "INTENTIONAL" for 2014. So I won't bore you or myself with that either.

I will, however, briefly, write about how we brought in the new year.

It was a very laid back, casual evening. Just me, the girls and Ed. A simple dinner of sloppy joe squares and green beans. Some sugar cookies for dessert. And an evening together on the couch watching "Despicable Me 2". I was the only one awake at midnight, as usual. But barely. I was asleep probably 5 minutes after midnight.

Today, the girls and I had a fun evening at our friend Casey's. The kids played while we had coffee and chatted. Then her kids Gus, Anna & Bridgette and my girls made gingerbread houses. Both of our families had run out of time prior to Christmas for this annual tradition so we decided why not get together and do them on New Year's Day! I think a new tradition may have started. *smile*

Amazingly the Lingg gingerbread house made it all the way to Youngsville safely and still intact.

Now to finish cooking a traditional (with slight twist) New Year's Day dinner - honey spiral ham, collards, baked sweet potatoes and yeast rolls. The house smells delicious!!!

Happy New Year everyone!! May your 2014 be blessed!!

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