I had to laugh, a bit in shock, just a few weeks ago when Gabby asked me how to get your picture on Google. She had googled her name while at school earlier that day and of course, did not see any photos of herself. I'm sure part of that is because the school has firewalls and security measures in place to limit Google search results but also, I'm not sure I ever tagged any of these photos with her name.
As I explained to Gabby how all of this works - to the extent my own knowledge would allow - I realized she and Samantha had no idea this blog even existed. I am certain I had showed them at some point back when I was regularly posting but they were so little and really had no idea what I was showing them other than photos of themselves on a computer monitor.
Later that evening we hopped on the computer and browsed as many posts as time would allow. Samantha could finally see that yes, hundreds, thousands really, of photos do exist of her as a baby and toddler. I always feel guilty when the girls drag out photo albums and browse through the two albums full of Gabby's photos - only to ask, again, and be told, again, that I don't have any of Samantha's photos in an album. One day!! I promise, one day I will get them in an album. But hopefully after Samantha got to see the photos on the blog here she felt a little better, knowing I did take lots of photos and we did have lots of fun when she was a baby and toddler too!
There is no way I could ever get this blog caught up, to fill in all the empty spaces of what we have been up to since my last semi-regular posting. The girls continue to grow up so fast!! Our family has changed so much. We have moved and changed schools. We lost our Mattie-girl and cried but gained our first fish Sapphire and smiled. We continue to be a dance family which has become a full time job. Oh yeah, I also have returned to the workforce full time. Life has been good. It has had its ups and downs but no complaints. It is far from perfect, but I love our life and I love our family and I of course look back on the photos and posts from the days of little ones running around, spreading their messes and sticky fingerprints, and I sigh because those days went by so fast (yet at the time so slowly!!) But I also, when I slow myself down enough to take the time to notice, how great my little girls and my time with them is now. They are growing up and I am so proud of them. They are smart and beautiful, inside and out, talented, and loving and kind. They are a handful and then some.
So maybe I'll be back here again soon...who knows, only time will tell!
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