Friday, June 18, 2010
"I'm a Big Girl too!"
Samantha is such a copycat and wants to do just about anything she sees her big sister doing. Recently she has learned how to step up onto the bathroom stool and we find her there quite regularly. She does look like such a big girl doing these things. I also witnessed her tearing off some toilet paper for her sister the other day and then proceed to even try to help Gabrielle wipe. Gabrielle did NOT appreciate this too much but I couldn't help but giggle a little bit.
Samantha is most likely the last baby I'll have of my own and she is just trying to grow up way too fast!!
Fashion Tips from Gabrielle
similar color + similar print = a perfect match!
According to Gabrielle if a shirt is purple and has butterflies on it then the only bottom that is going to match has to also be purple and have butterflies on it. The same goes with hearts and the color pink.
Monday, June 14, 2010
My Little {Abstract} Artist
Gabrielle has loved to color from the moment I first gave her a crayon and coloring book when she was 11 months old. She immediately knew what to do with the "new toys" I had given her.
August 2007
She still loves to color and can sit for quite a long time drawing and coloring. I've noticed lately her style of coloring has become quite abstract.

June 13, 2010
May 2010
Might we have a future artist on our hands? Her (maybe a little bias) mommy certainly thinks so.
Our month of June so far has been exactly as I had hoped. We are staying busy but busy doing fun things and not running around from one event to another. It has been a nice break from the craziness that was the month of May!
The girls and I have played outside pretty much every day for the past week. It has been hot, hot, hot! Luckily our backyard has some nice big shady spots in the morning and we've been enjoying our little baby pool as well. It is nice to get out in the mornings because typically that means Samantha will take a really good afternoon nap and both girls go to bed without too much of a fight that night.
The girls have been enjoying a new to us cool treat - frozen yogurt pops. Samantha is incredibly messy with these so for now it is definitely strictly an outdoor treat!
We've been enjoying picnics on our deck as well. We have a canopy/tent we use when we have parties but I wish we could keep it up all summer long to give us some shade on the deck. Picnics are a little bit of a challenge with Samantha as she likes to walk around with her food and put her sandwiches down anywhere but we're working on it.
Both girls love the pool and as you can probably tell from a lot of the pool pictures the dogs enjoy it as well. Neither of them have jumped in yet and I don't expect they ever will but Mattie enjoys being splashed on and both dogs seem to think it is a giant outdoor water bowl. Samantha has finally decided she likes sand and the sandbox much to Gabrielle's delight. The sandbox is one of Gabrielle's favorite thing about being outside and she loves having a partner to play with now (until her castle is smashed and then she has issues with her play partner but we're working on that too). Oh, and notice the pool "toy" Gabrielle is playing with in the collage. Of all the water toys we have she played with the plastic baggie her grapes had been in more than any of the real toys!
While the sandbox is Gabrielle's favorite, Samantha loves the swing and slide. Gabrielle enjoys these too but not quite as much as Samantha this year.
Gabrielle has loved the sprinkler as well and I think we would flood our entire yard before she was ready to turn the sprinkler off. Samantha absolutely does not like the sprinkler. I'm not sure if it is the temperature of the water or the unpredictability of the sprinkler but she clutches on to me and cries if I get too close to the sprinkler with her.
Yesterday afternoon I took the girls to the mall for Kidfest. Every 2nd and 4th Sunday this summer the mall is hosting a free event for families. They will have various entertainment, games and crafts. It was super hot yesterday but our a/c is not working right now and our house is super hot. After spending a miserable, sweaty, sticky day in the house on Saturday I decided if we're going to be hot we might as well be doing something fun. They had a fan blowing a mist of water which was a nice relief every now and then. We rode on a little train and Gabrielle made a bracelet and painted a dinosaur.
Gabrielle spinning plates.
And Gabrielle going down the big blow up slide - over and over and over! Fortunately for me it started to rain about five minutes before the event was to end so I was able to somewhat easily get Gabrielle off the slide and ready to go home.
This week will be a busy week for us but still a fun kind of busy for the most part. Vacation Bible school starts on Wednesday. I am going to try not to do too much during the day other than playing outside in the mornings because the nights will be very busy and later than our usual nights. I have a few errands to run so tomorrow might be a day spent in and out of the car. I'm still trying to decide how to spend today. Our high is expected to be 97!!!! and there is a chance of thunderstorms this afternoon. I have my Bible study tonight which means early baths and dinner for the girls. I'm not sure whether we should brave the outdoors this morning or just spend the morning doing some fun activities inside. Ed brought home a window a/c unit that is giving us some relief from the heat until we can get someone here to look at our big unit. So maybe staying inside today is the way to go.
The girls and I have played outside pretty much every day for the past week. It has been hot, hot, hot! Luckily our backyard has some nice big shady spots in the morning and we've been enjoying our little baby pool as well. It is nice to get out in the mornings because typically that means Samantha will take a really good afternoon nap and both girls go to bed without too much of a fight that night.
From My Little Sunbeams |
From My Little Sunbeams |
The girls have been enjoying a new to us cool treat - frozen yogurt pops. Samantha is incredibly messy with these so for now it is definitely strictly an outdoor treat!
From My Little Sunbeams |
We've been enjoying picnics on our deck as well. We have a canopy/tent we use when we have parties but I wish we could keep it up all summer long to give us some shade on the deck. Picnics are a little bit of a challenge with Samantha as she likes to walk around with her food and put her sandwiches down anywhere but we're working on it.
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From My Little Sunbeams |
Both girls love the pool and as you can probably tell from a lot of the pool pictures the dogs enjoy it as well. Neither of them have jumped in yet and I don't expect they ever will but Mattie enjoys being splashed on and both dogs seem to think it is a giant outdoor water bowl. Samantha has finally decided she likes sand and the sandbox much to Gabrielle's delight. The sandbox is one of Gabrielle's favorite thing about being outside and she loves having a partner to play with now (until her castle is smashed and then she has issues with her play partner but we're working on that too). Oh, and notice the pool "toy" Gabrielle is playing with in the collage. Of all the water toys we have she played with the plastic baggie her grapes had been in more than any of the real toys!
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From My Little Sunbeams |
While the sandbox is Gabrielle's favorite, Samantha loves the swing and slide. Gabrielle enjoys these too but not quite as much as Samantha this year.
From My Little Sunbeams |
From My Little Sunbeams |
Gabrielle has loved the sprinkler as well and I think we would flood our entire yard before she was ready to turn the sprinkler off. Samantha absolutely does not like the sprinkler. I'm not sure if it is the temperature of the water or the unpredictability of the sprinkler but she clutches on to me and cries if I get too close to the sprinkler with her.
Yesterday afternoon I took the girls to the mall for Kidfest. Every 2nd and 4th Sunday this summer the mall is hosting a free event for families. They will have various entertainment, games and crafts. It was super hot yesterday but our a/c is not working right now and our house is super hot. After spending a miserable, sweaty, sticky day in the house on Saturday I decided if we're going to be hot we might as well be doing something fun. They had a fan blowing a mist of water which was a nice relief every now and then. We rode on a little train and Gabrielle made a bracelet and painted a dinosaur.
From My Little Sunbeams |
Gabrielle spinning plates.
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From My Little Sunbeams |
And Gabrielle going down the big blow up slide - over and over and over! Fortunately for me it started to rain about five minutes before the event was to end so I was able to somewhat easily get Gabrielle off the slide and ready to go home.
This week will be a busy week for us but still a fun kind of busy for the most part. Vacation Bible school starts on Wednesday. I am going to try not to do too much during the day other than playing outside in the mornings because the nights will be very busy and later than our usual nights. I have a few errands to run so tomorrow might be a day spent in and out of the car. I'm still trying to decide how to spend today. Our high is expected to be 97!!!! and there is a chance of thunderstorms this afternoon. I have my Bible study tonight which means early baths and dinner for the girls. I'm not sure whether we should brave the outdoors this morning or just spend the morning doing some fun activities inside. Ed brought home a window a/c unit that is giving us some relief from the heat until we can get someone here to look at our big unit. So maybe staying inside today is the way to go.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Is it really the second week of June already? Why do I get the feeling the summer is going to fly by before I know it?
Last Saturday we went to one of our nephew's 5th birthday party. Dominic's birthday was actually in May but the poor little guy was sick with pneumonia which obviously postponed the party. It was a hot day but no one seemed to mind and everyone had a lot of fun.
After a while of playing in the sandbox, Aunt T and Uncle Nick led the group in a sing along.
Some of the kids - Dominic and Gabrielle being two of them - "accompanied" Uncle Nick's guitar playing with various instruments. Gabrielle LOVED this!
After cake Uncle Nick made balloon hats for everyone.
We all went home tired, sweaty and full of cake!
Other than the birthday party we've been taking it easy just as I had wanted (maybe a little too easy at times since I am behind on everything!!). Last week I bought Samantha her first coloring book and crayons. Gabrielle loves to color and draw and Samantha is always trying to join her so I thought it was time to get her own supplies. I think she really enjoyed coloring but she is still more interested in holding as many crayons as she can at one time and of course there is the occasional tasting of crayons!
I can't believe how big Samantha is getting and how grown up she is starting to look. I know a couple of years from now as I look back on photos I will see that yes, right now she definitely still looks like a baby - I do that now with Gabrielle's photos. I look back at photos from when she was 18 months and 2 years old and see what a little thing she still was even though I can remember thinking at the time how big and grown she looked. But there are days recently I can't believe Samantha is officially a toddler. Last summer which seems like last month she was a tiny bald little munchkin who spent most of her time in the baby swing, bouncy seat or my arms. Now she is a chubby little walking, talking, climbing munchkin with enough hair to wear piggy tails!!
Not great photos of her piggy tails but it is next to impossible to get her to be still for more than a split second!
Last Saturday we went to one of our nephew's 5th birthday party. Dominic's birthday was actually in May but the poor little guy was sick with pneumonia which obviously postponed the party. It was a hot day but no one seemed to mind and everyone had a lot of fun.
From My Little Sunbeams |
After a while of playing in the sandbox, Aunt T and Uncle Nick led the group in a sing along.
From My Little Sunbeams |
Some of the kids - Dominic and Gabrielle being two of them - "accompanied" Uncle Nick's guitar playing with various instruments. Gabrielle LOVED this!
From My Little Sunbeams |
After cake Uncle Nick made balloon hats for everyone.
We all went home tired, sweaty and full of cake!
Other than the birthday party we've been taking it easy just as I had wanted (maybe a little too easy at times since I am behind on everything!!). Last week I bought Samantha her first coloring book and crayons. Gabrielle loves to color and draw and Samantha is always trying to join her so I thought it was time to get her own supplies. I think she really enjoyed coloring but she is still more interested in holding as many crayons as she can at one time and of course there is the occasional tasting of crayons!
From My Little Sunbeams |
From My Little Sunbeams |
I can't believe how big Samantha is getting and how grown up she is starting to look. I know a couple of years from now as I look back on photos I will see that yes, right now she definitely still looks like a baby - I do that now with Gabrielle's photos. I look back at photos from when she was 18 months and 2 years old and see what a little thing she still was even though I can remember thinking at the time how big and grown she looked. But there are days recently I can't believe Samantha is officially a toddler. Last summer which seems like last month she was a tiny bald little munchkin who spent most of her time in the baby swing, bouncy seat or my arms. Now she is a chubby little walking, talking, climbing munchkin with enough hair to wear piggy tails!!
From My Little Sunbeams |
From My Little Sunbeams |
From My Little Sunbeams |
Not great photos of her piggy tails but it is next to impossible to get her to be still for more than a split second!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
New Summer Do
When I start pulling my hair up in a ponytail everyday I know it is time to go short again. Last minute decision to get my haircut today and I really loved the place and the stylist. After my last stylist quit doing hair and moved away two years ago I finally found someone new!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Memorial Weekend
The entire month of May was quite a full month for us and the last weekend of the month, Memorial weekend, was no exception.
From My Little Sunbeams |
Last Thursday Gabrielle had dress rehearsal for her first dance recital. I got her dressed at the house and Samantha woke up from her nap just in time for us to leave. We arrived very early and since Gabrielle had fallen asleep in the car on the way we sat in the parking lot for a few minutes. When Gabrielle woke up I asked her if she was ready to go in and she eagerly replied "Yes!!" She was in awe by the big stage, not nervous at all. The rehearsal went great and I was able to video it. Maybe I can get the video uploaded soon.
From My Little Sunbeams |
Samantha was so funny in the auditorium seats. She is not quite heavy enough to keep the seat unfolded so if either my mom or I wasn't watching she would get folded into the seat, which she apparently found really funny anyway. I can't imagine being that flexible!!
From My Little Sunbeams |
From My Little Sunbeams |
From My Little Sunbeams |
I wish this next picture was in focus but we had to turn the flash off for the actual recital. Gabrielle sat with us until it was time for me to check her in at the dressing room. Even with a blurry photo I think you can see how happy and excited she was. She smiled all morning. Not only did she love performing on stage, she enjoyed watching all the other performances as well. During some she would shake her hips and during other performances she would clap along to the music. Being a very good audience member she clapped and cheered for everyone after each performance.
From My Little Sunbeams |
Since none of the photos we took during the performance turned out we made sure to get some family pics during the intermission.
From My Little Sunbeams |
From My Little Sunbeams |
From My Little Sunbeams |
My mom was visiting for the recital and Ed's dad came up as well. GrandDad was a very good sport sitting through such a long show!
From My Little Sunbeams |
Friday was a very long, full day of shopping. We went to the mall, to BJ's and then to Target for groceries. We were all exhausted and ready to get home.
Gabrielle's recital was Saturday morning. We had to be there 30 minutes before the show was to start and the auditorium is 30 minutes away. I wanted to get there even earlier in hopes of getting a good seat. Well let's just say the morning did not go as smoothly as the day of the dress rehearsal and I was not nearly as organized as I needed to be. But despite the issues trying to get out the door we made it to the auditorium exactly 30 minutes early. We were not able to get the seats I would have liked but we were still able to see the stage really well.
The recital was very cute. It was a long morning - a 2-1/2 hour show - and Samantha was quite restless during most of the show. Gabrielle did really great though. There was only one other little girl in her class doing the recital so it was just the two of them on that big stage and they both did so great, neither of them seemed to be bothered by all the people watching them. I was nervous enough for both of them I'm sure. As I was counting down the performances to Gabrielle's my heart started pounding faster and harder. And once I finally checked Gabrielle in backstage and got back to my seat my emotions were crazy. I was tearing up even before she got onstage!! I could not have been prouder of my little ballerina!!
After the show we went out to eat and then both girls fell asleep on the way home. I was so exhausted but I still had a cake to bake and decorate for Sunday. After a 20 minute nap on the couch I felt ready to go.
From My Little Sunbeams |
Sunday was another big day for our family - Samantha's baptism. We had a lot of our family and two of our very good friends (who also happen to be Gabrielle's godparents) attend. After church we all went back to our house for lunch and cake. The kids played and played, the women talked and talked, and the guys watched racing! Ha!!
The baptism got off to a fairly smooth start. In this photo you see everyone standing nicely up front and Samantha is content being held.
From My Little Sunbeams |
Then Samantha started getting a little antsy and less happy in my arms. I don't really have a photo of this but Gabrielle started dancing and walking around and "performing" as well while we were standing in front of the entire church.
From My Little Sunbeams |
When it came time for the actual baptism, Helen, our Associate Pastor, let Gabrielle help with pouring the water into the font. Helen talked to her about this job during our meeting with her. Gabrielle was very excited about helping. A day or two before when I told her to tell her Meemaw what she got to do during the baptism Gabrielle mistakenly told her she was going to pour the water on Samantha's head. She thought she was really going to help!! I made sure she understood her actual job to avoid any disappointment on Sunday.
From My Little Sunbeams |
During most of the ceremony Samantha was struggling to get out of my arms and fussing. I put her down a few times as my pastor had told me to do if she got antsy but each time I put her down she was trying to climb up onto the altar. Funny enough once Helen picked her up and started sprinkling the water on her Samantha calmed right down.
From My Little Sunbeams |
The calmness was short lived however. After the sprinkling of water and during the laying on of hands she was anything but quiet and happy. You can probably tell in the photo we were all trying really hard to hold back the laughter.
From My Little Sunbeams |
From My Little Sunbeams |
My brother Matthew and sister Faith are Samantha's godparents. Here we all are after the church service.
From My Little Sunbeams |
Monday was a busy day as well. Samantha had an appointment to get her portrait done in her baptism dress. We were supposed to have the first appointment of the day but due to some sort of mistake we found ourselves waiting over 30 minutes. Then we waited once again after the photos were taken to place our order. But the photos turned out really cute so the waiting was worth it.
We got to the mall early and let the girls play in the kids' area for a few minutes. Samantha loves to climb and slide and Gabrielle of course loves it all as well. One of these days I guess I need to plan a trip to get there as soon as they open and let them have a good hour or so of playing.
From My Little Sunbeams |
From My Little Sunbeams |
After the photo appointment we ended up eating lunch at the mall. On our way out Gabrielle wanted to play in the water area. This year is the first year she has really gotten into getting wet and running through sprinklers.
From My Little Sunbeams |
From My Little Sunbeams |
Once we finally made it home I set up the pool and we played outside for a bit before dinner.
From My Little Sunbeams |
From My Little Sunbeams |
From My Little Sunbeams |
And our weekend and month of May ended with this cute scene - Gabrielle and Samantha in their matching Care Bear night gowns. Such cuties!! I love the way Samantha is looking at Gabrielle in the second photo. She is always looking at her big sister like this!!
From My Little Sunbeams |
From My Little Sunbeams |
I'm hoping after such a busy spring that the month of June will be a little less busy and more relaxing. Our church has Vacation Bible School this month but other than that no plans at the moment. We are taking our first real family vacation in July so I figure we need to spend the next month relaxing and gearing up for the vacation. July is already pretty much booked and packed full of activities!! And before I know it the entire summer will be gone and I'll be getting ready to send Gabrielle off to preschool. Sniff sniff.
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