The spring starts a very busy season of birthdays for us. Starting in April and going through May is one birthday after another for us. In fact after next weekend we will have attended 4 birthday parties in 4 weekends (including Samantha's of course)!
The first party of the 4 in a row was for one of Samantha's little girlfriends Avery. To give a little bit of background info, Avery's mommy is a very good friend of mine from high school. We lost touch as many do after high school for no particularly reason but last February when I joined facebook we reconnected. As we caught up we realized our lives had quite a few coincidental similarities. We were each married in September although in different years. Our firstborns were only 2 weeks apart in age as well. But to top it off we shared the same due date with our second-borns and both were little girls! For the last couple of months of our pregnancies we talked each other through all the discomforts and anxieties as well as shared all the excitement and anticipation. We were really hoping to be in the hospital at the same time but our little girls (and our doctors) had other ideas. We both went past our due date and had to be induced. Janie was checking out the day I was checking in. While we didn't get to share hospital experiences our little girls are only two days apart which is really neat!
Everyone had a lot of fun at the party. Everything was done in pink and brown and the food was delicious - especially the cake! Yummmm!
Gabrielle had so much fun playing with Will, Avery's big brother, and Samantha eventually warmed up enough to play as well.

I think all the kids get along and play so well together. I'm hoping despite everyone's hectic summer schedules we'll be able to get together more often for some dinners and playdates.
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