Friday, February 22, 2013

Menu Planning

Before going grocery shopping each week I try to plan out the menu for the week. Inevitably I'll forget one ingredient or two. I'm not always great at sticking to the menu either. But the weeks I have planned and shopped well, we eat so much better around here - much healthier and more economical meals.

I thought it would be fun to share our menu for the upcoming week. I'm really excited about these dishes, especially the slow cooker ones. I happened to catch a few minutes of Rachel Ray yesterday morning; I haven't really watched any daytime tv since going back to work. Rachel Ray was doing a slow cooker week and the few minutes I caught yesterday she had four slow cooker recipes, all ranging in budgets from $20 down to just $5. Not too shabby!! These recipes are supposed to yield 4 adult servings. Since my girls combined don't typically eat one adult serving, we should have more than enough food for dinner plus leftovers for mine and Ed's lunches. 

Not only are this week's meals quick and easy to prep which will be great on those days I'm at the office, I happened to have a lot of the ingredients on hand in our pantry and freezer. I have sauce for the ziti as well as the pork shoulder and chicken for Tuesday and Thursday all in the freezer and most of the staples ingredients including a lot of the veggies in the pantry. Love it when that happens! Especially since this week on my shopping list were those necessary but often expensive items like laundry detergent and other household cleaners - all of which seem to run out at one time.

So those are our meals for the week. I hope they turn out as tasty as the recipes and pictures make them appear!

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