There really isn't too much to say but I have become so addicted to blogging I was starting to feel guilty about not posting anything all week so here I am! :)
We've had a busy week of just being busy I guess! We went to the library for story hour this week. Gabrielle did pretty good. She is easily influenced though and always by the one kid who is talking or standing up and walking around. I'm going to have to keep a close eye on her once she gets older!! Gabrielle had ballet as usual this week. She so loves her "ballet school" and talks about her teachers and her "other ballerinas" all week long. I can't wait to see her in the recital next May. There are only two other little girls in her class so the three of them should be pretty cute up on that big stage by themselves! We also got together with some friends a couple of times to play this week and spent one morning doing some arts and crafts stuff.
So we've stayed busy but I don't feel like I really got a lot accomplished this week. The house needs cleaning and I need to get caught up on laundry but I would rather do the fun stuff. I've been wanting to work on redesigning my blog - creating something myself rather than using a free template but I have no idea when I'm going to find the time to do it. I'm also super psyched about a project my friend Casey asked me to work on. She is starting a business selling ready made child craft packs and wants me to help her with the logo and packaging. I'm really excited about it - I just hope I can come up with something that she'll really like!
We have a fairly busy weekend ahead of us. Tomorrow I'm taking Gabrielle shopping. She needs shoes and socks and Samantha needs a winter coat, pajamas and some winter clothes. I think one of the most difficult things to do with two little ones is to shop so I'm waiting to do my shopping once Ed gets home from work so I can leave Samantha home. I would rather go completely by myself but since Gabrielle needs shoes I kind of need her feet with me! Then on Sunday, weather permitting, we're going to Hill Ridge Farms to get a pumpkin. I'm very excited about that. I think every parent looks forward to getting their kids pics taken in a pumpkin patch. Why is that?
Some photos from the week...
got for her birthday from her cousin Madison.

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