Yay ~ the Fall season is officially here! I wish it felt a little more like fall but at least we are starting to have some cooler weather with a lot less humidity. I love fall! It is absolutely my favorite time of the year. It doesn't seem like we have a very long fall season here unfortunately but while it is here I do enjoy it. The cool crisp air, the leaves changing and falling, the pumpkins, the comfort food ~ I love it all!
Here are some of my favorite fall photos of Gabrielle.

I am really looking forward to getting some cute photos of Samantha during her first fall and getting some sweet photos of Samantha and Gabrielle together.
With Gabrielle's birthday only a few days away now I have been busy this week preparing for the big day. Gabrielle requested an Angelina Ballerina birthday and we are doing our best to give it to her. She did agree to simple pink party ware but where we can we are putting little Angelina and ballerina touches.
I decided to challenge myself with her cake this year. I made her first two birthday cakes and I do recall saying with each one "this is it - I'm not making anymore cakes!" Yet here I am designing and making her cake once again this year. I do have fun doing it and try not to stress too much about it. You can't find an Angelina cake pan in the U.S. apparently so Ed and I put our heads together to figure out how to have Angelina on the cake. I like to play around with clay and Sculpey so I got the bright idea that if I can sculpt figures out of clay I can do it out of fondant or gum paste. Ha Ha! Well it turns out gum paste is a little more challenging! Here is what we have so far:

I made Angelina's head and skirt and Ed did her body, arms and legs. I also did the roses. The pieces are drying out and hardening now and I will "paint" them Wednesday or Thursday. This makes me a little nervous because if I mess them up while painting them I'm not sure we have a lot of time to do something else. I am making a simple sheet cake and will place the pieces flat on top of the cake.
Anyone reading please, please pray for nice weather on Saturday. I was really stressing out about it earlier today. Then I sat and decided it was out of my hands. I am not going to worry or stress about the weather anymore. I pray that God will see fit to have glorious weather on Saturday so that we can all be outside playing in the fresh air. But if God decides we need the rain more then we will make do inside ~ even though there will be about 35 or more people packed into our small house. More prayers for good weather can't hurt though, right?
Tonight Gabrielle showed again just how sweet of a big sister she can be when she wants. I heard her and Ed in her room playing. After a while I decided to peak in with Samantha. Gabrielle asked me if it was okay for Samantha to play too!! So I sat Samantha down and Gabrielle proceeded to show her little sister how to play with the dollhouse. Sure there were moments when Gabrielle would snatch the doll Samantha was grasping at or complain about everything being slobbery but overall Gabrielle really did well with her baby sister.

I don't know if anyone has noticed but I've been posting a lot of photo collages lately. I always have such a difficult time narrowing down which photos to use but with the collages I don't have to be so choosy ~ I can use them all!! In case anyone is wondering I create them with Picasa 3, free software from Google. I love it! I have Photoshop which is awesome but when I just want a quick simple collage Picasa is definitely the way to go. You can also create slideshows with it as well which you will see on a special upcoming blog post.

Here are some of my favorite fall photos of Gabrielle.

I am really looking forward to getting some cute photos of Samantha during her first fall and getting some sweet photos of Samantha and Gabrielle together.
With Gabrielle's birthday only a few days away now I have been busy this week preparing for the big day. Gabrielle requested an Angelina Ballerina birthday and we are doing our best to give it to her. She did agree to simple pink party ware but where we can we are putting little Angelina and ballerina touches.
I decided to challenge myself with her cake this year. I made her first two birthday cakes and I do recall saying with each one "this is it - I'm not making anymore cakes!" Yet here I am designing and making her cake once again this year. I do have fun doing it and try not to stress too much about it. You can't find an Angelina cake pan in the U.S. apparently so Ed and I put our heads together to figure out how to have Angelina on the cake. I like to play around with clay and Sculpey so I got the bright idea that if I can sculpt figures out of clay I can do it out of fondant or gum paste. Ha Ha! Well it turns out gum paste is a little more challenging! Here is what we have so far:

I made Angelina's head and skirt and Ed did her body, arms and legs. I also did the roses. The pieces are drying out and hardening now and I will "paint" them Wednesday or Thursday. This makes me a little nervous because if I mess them up while painting them I'm not sure we have a lot of time to do something else. I am making a simple sheet cake and will place the pieces flat on top of the cake.
Anyone reading please, please pray for nice weather on Saturday. I was really stressing out about it earlier today. Then I sat and decided it was out of my hands. I am not going to worry or stress about the weather anymore. I pray that God will see fit to have glorious weather on Saturday so that we can all be outside playing in the fresh air. But if God decides we need the rain more then we will make do inside ~ even though there will be about 35 or more people packed into our small house. More prayers for good weather can't hurt though, right?
Tonight Gabrielle showed again just how sweet of a big sister she can be when she wants. I heard her and Ed in her room playing. After a while I decided to peak in with Samantha. Gabrielle asked me if it was okay for Samantha to play too!! So I sat Samantha down and Gabrielle proceeded to show her little sister how to play with the dollhouse. Sure there were moments when Gabrielle would snatch the doll Samantha was grasping at or complain about everything being slobbery but overall Gabrielle really did well with her baby sister.

I don't know if anyone has noticed but I've been posting a lot of photo collages lately. I always have such a difficult time narrowing down which photos to use but with the collages I don't have to be so choosy ~ I can use them all!! In case anyone is wondering I create them with Picasa 3, free software from Google. I love it! I have Photoshop which is awesome but when I just want a quick simple collage Picasa is definitely the way to go. You can also create slideshows with it as well which you will see on a special upcoming blog post.

Okay, if my girls ask for any such thing you WILL be making it! Looks great, I still think I have adult ADD! I have found cute designs for fondont, have you tried it before?
I think you are doing a really good job on Angelina!! I just want to tell Miss Samantha that she is growing up way too fast!! I can hardly believe how much she has grown and changed since I saw her. All the pictures of the girls are good but I love the one on the very top of one of the collages where Samantha is cutting her eyes at something. Tell the birthday girl I hope her "surprise party" is exactly like she ordered! I will be praying for a beautiful day in every way for you all!!
I have also been trying to learn how to decorate cakes. I want to make Avery's for her birthdays. I saw your final product on FB and was very impressed!!! Good job girl!!
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